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Burned camera in Trier
France, Germany, Italy: Vigilantes Thwart Government Revenue Estimates
French officials seek rebound in photo radar revenue once virus lockdowns ease, but vigilantes acted last week to prevent that from happening.

French officials are hoping for a resurgence in speed camera revenue as the country's virus scare lockdowns ease. According to budget documents, the government pocketed only 730 million euros (US $862 million) as traffic dwindled on the nation's roads in 2020 -- far less than the over 1.1 billion euro (US $1.3 billion) windfall expected in long-range projections made two years ago. For 2021, officials hope the profit will rise to 809 million euros (US $955 million). Anti-camera vigilantes are lo ...

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Scofflaw notice
New Orleans, Louisiana Dodges Payment Of $25 Million Owed To Motorists
New Orleans, Louisiana seeks dismissal of federal lawsuit charging it with failure to pay court-ordered refunds to wrongly fined motorists.

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Tar pile blocks speed camera
Canada, France: Speed Cameras Tarred and Torched
Several automated ticketing machines in France and Canada were torched, toppled, tarred and tagged last week.

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DC Mayor Bowser
DC Cracks Down On Drivers From Maryland, Virginia
Washington, DC passes measure that will ban right turns on red, expand red light camera use and suspend out-of-state licenses over photo tickets.

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Green painted speed camera
French Vigillantes Disable A Few Speed Cameras
Opponents of automated ticketing in France only took out a handful of speed cameras last week.

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