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Scorched Belgian speed camera
Belgium, France, Germany: Speed Cameras Busted
Multiple speed cameras were destroyed or disabled last week in Europe.

In Brussels, Belgium, vigilantes on August 30 made an attempt at burning the speed camera located on Avenue Van Praet. Trash was placed under the automated ticketing machine and set on fire, but the device was only scorched. Officials in Schermbeck, Germany, admitted the speed camera on the B58 Weseler Strasse caused an accident on Wednesday. According to the Nordrhein-Westfalen Polizei, a 58-year-old motorcyclist saw the automa ...

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Omar Maani
Red Light Camera Company Co-Owner Charged In Bribery Scheme
Omar Maani, co-founder of Safespeed, indicted on federal charges as part of a red light camera bribery scheme.

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Judge Carlos F. Lucero
Court Blasts Speed Kills Justification For Oklahoma City Panhandler Ban
Tenth Circuit US Court of Appeals rejects public safety claim of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma ordinance banning roadside panhandlers.

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Decapitated French speed camera
France, New Zealand: Speed Cameras Face New Assault
French vigilantes last week devised new speed camera destruction technique. New Zealand photo radar vans came under attack.

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Fountain Hills council meeting
Arizona: Public Opposition Defeats Red Light Camera Proposal
Fountain Hills, Arizona turns away from controversial plan to implement red light cameras.

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