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Palomar Mountain Road
California Court Upholds Warrantless GoPro Seizure
California Court of Appeal upholds taking the GoPro from a car involved in an accident.

California cops may grab your dashcam video without first obtaining a warrant under a state Court of Appeal ruling published last week. A three-judge panel considered the case of motorist Robert Kien Tran, 39, who was driving his Volkswagen Golf on Palomar Mountain Road on November 6, 2016. This twisty route in San Diego County is a favorite for motorcyclists and car enthusiasts, so Tran had GoPro cameras recording his ascent from both the front and rear of the Golf. Motorcyclist Pablo Varga ...

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Trash can speed camera
France, Italy: Photo Radar Devices Trashed, Burned
A speed camera in Italy is turned into a trash can while French cameras are painted, bashed and burned.

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Verra business model
Speed Camera Firm Boasts Of Improved Profits
Debt-laden speed camera and tolling firm Verra Mobility outlines its plan to raise cash from motorists and investors.

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Justice Mark S. Massa
Indiana Supreme Court Considers Whether Removing GPS Tracker Is A Crime
Justices on the Indiana Supreme Court wonder whether removing a secretly installed GPS tracker from your car constitutes theft.

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Toledo speed camera ticket
Ohio City Challenged For Ignoring Speed Camera Law
Ohio Supreme Court entertains direct challenge to the legality of Toledo speed camera administrative hearings.

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