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Texas Insurance Industry Admits It Wants Camera Profits
The Texas insurance industry admits its interest in cameras comes from the ability to raise insurance rates for ticketed drivers.

One of the most interesting aspects of the camera enforcement debate is the role of the insurance industry. Almost every study promoting the devices comes from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. Now the Insurance Council of Texas makes their motives obvious: they want points on licenses.

Article Excerpt:
"If a person runs six traffic lights in Houston, and all he is doing is paying fines, wouldn't people be better off if the insurance companies knew about this guy and his insurance rates reflected his driving?" [Mark Hannah, spokesman for the Austin-based Insurance Council of Texas] said. "It's just a matter of time before someone gets killed."
Source: RED LIGHT CAMERAS PROMPT PEDAL-TO-THE-METAL DEBATE (Houston Chronicle, 12/14/2004)

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