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One-fifth of Calgary Cop Budget from Fines
Nearly one-fifth of the entire police budget for Calgary, Canada comes from red light and speed camera tickets.

Calgary police car
Calgary, Canada's police department has become entirely dependent on red light and speed camera ticket revenue. Last year, photo radar tickets generated $11.6 million, an increase of $1 million -- mostly because the individual fine amount increased from $86 to $108. Together with red light cameras tickets, overall fines topped $31 million. That accounts for nearly 20 percent of the police department's $175 million budget. Police use speed cameras at 484 locations across the city. Police Chief Jack Beaton admits the force could not operate without the ticket bonanza.

Article Excerpt:
Police Chief Jack Beaton has admitted in the past that the Calgary Police Service is dependent on fine revenue, and could no longer function without its boost to the force's $175.75 million budget.
Source: PHOTO RADAR CASH ROLLS IN (Calgary Sun (Canada), 1/25/2005)

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