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Maryland: Run a Red Light for Seniors
Frederick, Maryland installs red light cameras to fund senior tax credit.

Mayor Jennifer Dougherty
Frederick, Maryland will begin using cameras to ticket drivers at intersections and use the profits to fund Mayor Jennifer Dougherty's senior tax credit proposal. Rhode Island based Nestor will install ten red light cameras in April and after a 30 day grace period they expect to begin issuing $100 tickets in May.

Last August, the mayor had proposed to fine violators only $75, explaining: "For those who argue that The City is doing this to raise money are making a weak argument. Chief Dine is quick to point out that a successful program will mean that no revenue is raised and no one runs a red light."

Now the mayor is expecting to raise $200,000 for her new senior program.

Article Excerpt:
Though Ms. Dougherty doesn't think every intersection needs a camera, she does want to get the point across. That could mean installing more than the 10 cameras now approved.
Source: Traffic cameras moving in: Rosemont-Montevue intersection will get first (Frederick MD News-Post, 3/23/2005)

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