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South Australia: 25 Percent Have License Points
Camera enforcement means 1 out of 4 drivers pay more on their insurance rates in South Australia.

South Australia Speed Cam
Red light and speed camera enforcement has become so pervasive in South Australia that one out of every four drivers now has at least demerit point on his license. An additional 13,800 have either been disqualified from driving, or are a point away from losing their license. In just the past eight months, the number of drivers with points jumped 30 percent -- from 200,000 to 262,000.

Demerit points allow insurance companies to increase their rates -- meaning motorists will end up paying more money for several years. This is one of the main reasons why the industry is so supportive of camera enforcement.

Article Excerpt:
Since December, 2003, red light camera offences - among the most common - have attracted demerit points. Police yesterday declined to comment on the figures, which have risen from about 200,000 last August.
Source: 9000 on the brink of losing licences (Advertiser (Australia), 4/25/2005)

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