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New Edmonton Police Photo Radar Ethics Scandal
Another ethics scandal related to speed camera vendor ACS is rocking the police leadership in Edmonton, Canada.

Daryl da Costa
Speed camera vendor ACS State and Local Solutions has been offering gifts to the police department in Edmonton, Canada in direct violation of ethics rules that are standard throughout the country. Acting police chief Daryl da Costa admits that he accepted tickets to Oilers hockey games on at least two occasions. This is a direct violation of Edmonton Police Service rules that prohibit accepting such items, particularly from an entity that has a financial interest in maintaining the support of the police.

Da Costa explains that he was "building a business relationship."

"You just can't put yourself in a situation where you are beholden to anyone, or even be seen to be beholden to anyone," Former Police Chief Doug McNally told the Edmonton Journal. "I find this situation very disturbing, and for the commission to look the other way is equally disturbing."

Da Costa is vying to replace Fred Rayner as Edmonton Police Chief. Rayner lost his job over the no-bid $90 million contract scandal with ACS as well as a police attempt to frame anti-photo radar columnist Kerry Diotte in a failed drunk driving sting. Da Costa has been questioned by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police over the contract scandal, but he denies any involvement.

At least two members of the city council expressed outrage to the Edmonton Journal. "What was he thinking?" Councillor Mike Nickel said. "I must question the man's judgment."

"I think it would be a big mistake to hire someone who is under a cloud, especially when the last chief went out under a cloud," Councillor Ron Hayter said.

Source: Critics question da Costas judgment (Edmonton Journal (Canada), 9/17/2005)

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