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Pennsylvania: Crossing Guards Become Meter Maids
Pottsdown, Pennsylvania Borough Council gives school crossing guards the authority to issue parking tickets.

School crossing guard
The Pottsdown, Pennsylvania Borough Council voted unanimously to give school crossing guards the power to issue parking citations. Now in addition to guiding children safely across the street, the guards will be on the lookout for cars they can ticket.

School board officials debated the wisdom of the move on Thursday. "There's a concern they might leave their post to write tickets and we want to ensure that they just write down a license plate number," school district solicitor Stephen Kalis said.

Crossing guard Bob Fillman told the Pottsdown Mercury that he's against the idea. "The only thing I want to make sure happens is that I get the kids across the street safely."

School Board President Barry Robertson countered that issuing parking tickets was "an education opportunity." Robertson said the citations would "educate those who are having trouble following the rules around our schools."

Source: Pottstown crossing guards given authority to write parking tickets (Pottsdown Mercury (PA), 11/19/2005)

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