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Illinois: License Plate Sticker Penalty Nets $4 Million
Illinois raises $4 million with a $20 fee imposed on those who forget to renew auto registration. State forgets to send out renewal notices.

Rod Blagojevich
A new fee for motorists who forget to renew their automobile registrations has brought in $4 million this year -- aided by the state neglecting to send out renewal notices to a large number of motorists. Governor Rod Blagojevich (D) imposed the $20 penalty at the beginning of the year, hoping it would bring in $12 million, but only 200,000 were affected, many of these blaming the lack of notice.

The Secretary of State's office claims some renewal notices were lost due to a change in the mailing system.

Source: Sticker shock: Nearly $4 million raised through new late penalty (Southern Illinoisan, 11/24/2005)

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