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Cayman Islands: Armed Nighttime Police Raid Over Parking Ticket
Police in the Cayman Islands staged a late-night armed raid to capture a woman who had forgotten to pay a $20 parking ticket.

West Shore, Cayman Islands
The Royal Cayman Islands Police Service mounted a nighttime armed police raid to arrest a woman who forgot to pay a $20 parking ticket from June. The move was part of a "zero tolerance on crime" crackdown. Four police officers in full bulletproof gear banged on the door of a West Bay family at 11pm on November 19. The woman's husband answered the door.

"I asked what their visit was about and they asked for my wife," the man told Cayman Net News. "They were very rude and they said they had come to arrest my wife."

The woman remembered that she forgot to pay the parking ticket. Thinking the matter could wait, the couple asked if they could resolve it in the morning, as they had children sleeping. One officer responded, "We don't do things at your convenience."

After being taken into custody, the woman was released on $500 bail.

Source: Late night police raid for $20 ticket (Cayman Net News (Cayman Islands), 11/25/2005)

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