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UK: Parking Vigilante Creates Meter Maid Havoc
A crusader against parking tickets is making life difficult for meter maids in Islington, UK.

Islington parking sign
Meter maids are unable to issue parking tickets in parts of the North London, UK borough of Islington while a vigilante known as "Scot" continues a campaign to deface parking restriction signs. For the past three months, the midnight vigilante has painted a St. George's Cross over the bureaucratic text, replacing it with the message: "Come on You Sassenachs" -- the latter an archaic term referring to the Saxons.

"With the World Cup on I thought this would be a humorous way of highlighting the injustice of parking policy in Islington," Scot told the Islington Gazette. "The council and parking attendants have been having a laugh at motorists, residents and traders for too long. I'm just trying to balance things out a bit."

Scot also removed a Denver boot from his own vehicle and used it to clamp a parking enforcement van while the meter maids were at lunch.

"They had it coming," Scot told the Islington Gazette. "It was very funny to see an Islington clamper van clamped with an Islington Council clamp, being towed away by an Islington Council truck."

Source: Vigilante in parking war (Islington Gazette (UK), 6/22/2006)

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