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Georgia: 10,000 Wrongly Accused of Overdue Parking Tickets
Collection agency accuses 10,000 innocent Georgia motorists of not paying parking tickets.

Collection agency
More than ten thousand Georgia residents were wrongly accused of skipping out on parking tickets in Atlanta last week. LDC Collection Systems had sent a letter demanding payment and threatening to ruin the credit rating of recipients, even though they had never actually received any parking ticket.

Once informed of its mistake, the company sent out a letter that stated, "If you believe you received a notice in error, please disregard the notice and accept our sincere apologies."

Article Excerpt:
Full text of the LDC letter:

RE: Retraction of Parking Violation Notice for Ticket Number: xxxxxxxxxx

You recently received an Atlanta parking citation notice from LDC Collection Systems. The notice was one that would not ordinarily be issued under LDC's established working practice because it contained incorrect information. While many of the notices included in this group reached the correct person, others did not. Accordingly, all notices included in the mailing group are being rescinded. If you believe you received a notice in error, please disregard the notice and accept our sincere apologies.

At this time your account is no longer in collection status and no further actions on your part are needed. No information concerning your account has been or will be reported to credit bureaus.

Please contact us at (678) 816-2230 if you have any questions.


LDC Collection Systems
Source: Apology Letter on the Way to Thousands of People (WTOC-TV (GA), 9/8/2006)

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