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UK: Bank Customer Held Hostage Given Parking Ticket
A man held up in a UK bank robbery is given a parking ticket for overstaying his time at a meter.

Lloyds TSB
A pair of ax and machete-wielding bank robbers held customers hostage at Lloyds TSB Bank in Bolton, Lancashire, UK. Customers were forced to the ground as a cashier held at ax-point handed the robbers cash.

This, combined with the following police investigation, caused Fred Holt, 77, to overstay his time at a nearby parking meter by twenty minutes. Although local police told meter maids not to issue tickets, Holt found a £30 (US $57) fine on his windshield

"I was furious when I saw the penalty notice on the windscreen," Holt told the Lancashire Telegraph. "After what happened in the bank it was the last thing I needed."

Bolton council refused to cancel the fine immediately, instead saying the matter required investigation.

Source: Parking Ticket For Victim Of Bank Robbery (Lancashire Telegraph (UK), 10/31/2006)

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