Florida Toll Road Overbills Motorists 30,000 TimesMotorists on the Florida Turnpike are overcharged 30,000 times by a faulty sensor.

Motorists using the Florida Turnpike toll road were overbilled 30,000 times. The improper amounts automatically deducted from the accounts of electronic "SunPass" transponder users varied from those too small to be easily noticed on a monthly statement to the full amount of a big rig trucks charged to the driver of a small hatchback.
"Apparently it is up to the customer to look at their online bill to verify the charges," motorist Dan Manning" told the South Florida Sun-Sentinel newspaper. "On December 29, I paid my toll plus the tolls for eleven other drivers. I paid $6 at a fifty-cent toll booth."
SunPass officials blamed the problem on a faulty sensor an the Commercial Boulevard toll road exit from late December to January 25. The toll road has already begun issuing refunds and plans to switch to a more accurate sensor technology.