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UK Crossing Guards Become Speed Cameras
Ticket cameras will be installed on the heads of school crossing guards in Nuneaton, UK.

Lollipop lady
Officials are installing ticket cameras on the heads of school crossing guards in Nuneaton, UK. As part of a pilot project, a closed circuit television camera is placed on the helmet of a so-called "lollipop lady" as she guides children across intersections on their way to school. The high-resolution cameras are capable of capturing the license plates of oncoming cars. Photographs will be forwarded to the police who will issue citations.

A single £1000 (US $1970) photo ticket for "failing to stop" generated by the lollipop lady pays for each camera. Subsequent tickets generate profit for the county.

If the program meets revenue goals, Warwickshire County plans to spend £81,000 to equip each of the thirty crossing guards with her own camera.

Source: Lollipop ladies secretly film dangerous drivers with head cameras (London Evening Standard (UK), 3/30/2007)

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