Maryland, New Jersey, Australia, Hungary Experience Photo Ticket TroubleRed light cameras and speed cameras cause problems in Maryland, New Jersey, Australia and Hungary.

The city of Glassboro, New Jersey has been caught trapping motorists with a red light camera installed at a location with illegally short yellow times. WPVI-TV reported that the intersection of Delsea Drive and William Dalton Drive had a yellow time of 2.8 seconds where state guidelines set a minimum of 4.0 seconds. The short yellow helped boost the number of $85 citations issued, although officials refused to release figures of how many were ticketed at the location.
The mishandling of county speed camera records almost prevented a Maryland couple from moving into a new home. According to College Park Patch, the motorists discovered a hitch on their credit report as Montgomery County claimed a $45 photo radar ticket was never paid. It had been paid, and showing proof of payment to the settlement attorney was sufficient to clear up the matter.
Drivers in Australia are being ticketed by speed cameras despite setting their cruise control at the speed limit, the Brisbane Times reported. The Royal Automobile Club of Queensland recommended that drivers warned that cameras set up on a slight downhill grade at the Clem7 toll road tunnel has been nabbing its members. Queensland officials issue tickets for straying a few MPH over the limit and recommend that drivers never take their eyes off of the speedometer.
A laser-based speed camera accused a Mercedes Actros long-haul truck in Zalaegerszeg, Hungary of driving 140 km/h (87 MPH) in a 60 km/h (37 MPH) zone on December 4, 2008, Zalai Hirlap reported. Police insisted that this reading was absolutely accurate, but the prosecution ran into a problem at trial last week. The truck was equipped with a device limiting its top speed to 90 km/h (56 MPH), and a digital tacograph plus a GPS system confirmed that the vehicle has never driven as fast as claimed. Police countered that its video evidence showed the truck at 140km/h, then 4 seconds later slowing to 75 km/h. An expert witness showed that the 20-ton vehicle would have had to brake from 140 to 75 in 1.6 seconds, but a vehicle seen on tape behind the truck did not seem to change its pace despite the heavy braking alleged by the police interpretation. The judge threw out the evidence as unreliable.