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Toppled speed camera in Italy
Austria, France, Italy: Speed Cameras Slashed
Revolt against speed cameras stepped up in Italy last week as photo radar devices in Austria, Belgium, France and Germany were disabled.

By Richard Diamond/Staff Reports The resistance movement against speed cameras in Italy stepped up to a new level Wednesday as a spectacular blast destroyed the most-profitable speed camera in Cadoneghe. The device had been issuing automated tickets on the SR307 since June until an explosive placed at its base sent flame ...

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Trashed ULEZ cameras
UK Congestion Cameras Slashed, German Cameras Sprayed
Hundreds of congestion tax cameras in London, England are being cut while speed cameras in Cyprus, France and Germany were blocked last week.

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Seized Italian speed camera
Prosecutors Seize Speed Cameras In Italy
State police in Italy seized speed cameras in anti-corruption sting. Vigilantes in Belgium, Canada, France and Germany sabotaged cameras last week.

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Man blocks speed camera
Italy, UK: Speed Cameras Blocked And Bisected
A photo radar van was blocked in England and a trio of speed cameras in Italy and Scotland were cut down last week.

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French speed camera spraypainted
France, Germany, Italy: Speed Cameras Sideswiped And Sprayed
German vigilantes grabbed a speed camera, French cameras were blinded and an Italian photo radar trap went wrong last week.

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