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Russian speed camera with wires cut
Speed Cameras Disabled In Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, New Zealand, Russia
Speed cameras around the world were taken out of service last week.

By Richard Diamond/Staff Reports Vigilantes in a half-dozen countries took down several speed cameras last week. In Invercargill, New Zealand, a speed camera van was operating on Dee Street on Friday when a man approached and smashed its windows with a metal object. According to a police statement, this resulted in injuries to the speed camera van driver. Vigilantes in Primorsky Krai, Russia, have trashed th ...

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Burned speed camera in France
Speed Cameras Scrambled In France, Italy
A handful of speed cameras in France and Italy were attacked last week.

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Anthony Ragucci
Illinois Mayor Fights Corruption Charge In Red Light Camera Scandal
Former mayor of Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois, denied charges that he took bribes to install red light cameras.

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Cut down speed camera in France
France, Germany, Italy: Photo Radar Crippled
Last week saw several speed cameras destroyed across France, Germany and Italy.

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Damaged by fire
Speed Camera Sabotage In France, The Netherlands, Russia
Vigilantes last week burned or blinded a handful of speed cameras in France, The Netherlands and Russia.

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