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Speed camera burns on Reunion
France, Germany: Speed Measuring Devices Damaged
Vigilantes disabled a half-dozen speed cameras last week in France and pelted one in Germany.

By Richard Diamond/Staff Reports In Rouffignac-de-Sigoules, France, on Sunday, vigilantes completely destroyed the speed camera on the RD933 by placing gasoline-filled tires around the device and setting them on fire. This particular photo radar unit has been a frequent target of attack. In Friville-Escarbotin on Thursday, the speed ...

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Frank Tayali
Photo Radar Corruption Exposed In Zambia
Zambian minister for transportation revealed corruption in speed camera contract. Photo Radar under attack in Cyprus, France and Italy.

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Sattelite dish speed camera
Ukraine Conflict Causes Trouble For Italian Speed Cameras
The war between Ukraine and Russia took out several speed cameras in Italy. Vigilantes disabled another half-dozen in Italy and Spain last week.

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Judge Jefferson Griffin
Appellate Court Pulls The Plug On North Carolina Red Light Cameras
North Carolina Court of Appeals for a second time rules red light camera program unconstitutional.

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Antitax speed camera attack
Belgium, France, Italy, UK: Disrespect Shown To Speed Cameras
Vigilantes across Europe cut down, spraypainted, shot and rammed a half-dozen speed cameras last week.

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