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Scorched French camera
Australia, France, Germany: Speed Cameras Opposed, Burned
Vigilantes last week demonstrated opposition to photo radar in Australia and Germany while opponents in France burned and blinded cameras.

By Richard Diamond/Staff Reports Vigilantes in Charbogne, France, torched the speed camera on the RD987 on Sunday. In Tournon the previous day, the speed camera on the RD1090 was also destroyed by fire. On Tuesday, orange paint ...

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Smashed Italian speed camera
Speed Cameras Slammed Worldwide
Attacks on speed cameras took place last week in New York, Australia, France, Italy, Kenya and the UK.

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Spraypainted Italian photo radar unit
France, Italy: Speed Cameras Re-Sprayed
Vigilantes made doubly sure to disable a handful of speed cameras last week in France and Italy.

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Decorated Italian speed camera
Washington, France, Germany, Italy: Speed Cameras Foiled
Strikes, spraypaint and fire prevented a handful of speed cameras from issuing tickets last week in Seattle, Washington, France, Germany and Italy.

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Ticket refund
Thousands Of Speed Camera Ticket Refunds Issued To Innocent Drivers
Tens of thousands of erroneously issued speed and red light camera tickets resulted in refunds last few weeks in Virginia, Pennsylvania, France and New Zealand.

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