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Plate in window of Dodge sedan
2002 Montana Supreme Court Ruling Allows License Plates In Windows
A ruling from 2002 gave Montana residents the right to place front license plates in the front window of their car.

By Richard Diamond Ohio lawmakers last year dropped the requirement for cars to have front license plates, joining twenty other states that have rejected the requirement. In the rest of the country, police frequently use the lack of a front plate as justification for investigatory stops and searches. Owners of cars that lack a suitable mounting place sometimes place their plate in the front window. In a 2002 ruling, the Montana Supreme Court upheld the practice as en ...

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Italian speed camera spraypainted
France, Germany, Italy: Vigilantes Spraypaint More Speed Cameras
Vigilantes in Germany and Italy stepped up attacks against speed cameras last week compared to the usual leader, France.

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Idrees Ahmed Abdur-Rashied
Mississippi: Federal Judge Says Plastic Bags Are Not Suspicious
US District judge in Mississippi overturns traffic stop after finding no evidence that a plastic bag ever contained drugs.

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Ranting speed camera van driver
France, UK: Speed Cameras Thwarted With Paint, Fire And Stubbornness
A UK man refused to back down when a ranting speed camera driver orders him to move, and a handful of French cameras were disabled last week.

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DC speed camera
DC Confirms Photo Ticket Payment Optional For Non-Residents
Report from mayor confirms no penalty for nonpayment of Washington, DC red light camera and speed camera tickets for non-residents.

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