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President Emmanuel Macron
Vigilantes Burned $128 Million In French Speed Camera Profit
Attacks on speed cameras in France slashed speed camera profit by $128 million in 2021.

By Richard Diamond/Staff Reports Attacks on automated ticketing machines in France continued to slow last week as activists focused on protesting the government "health pass" requirements imposed in response to the Covid-19 virus scare. Nonetheless, the diminished attacks are still having an impact. In a report to the National Assembly, the French government announced it expected to collect 714 million euros (US $826 million) from roadside speed cameras -- a figure ...

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Bret L. Lusskin
Florida High Court Hears Complaint Over Red Light Camera Fees
Justices appeared skeptical in Florida Supreme Court hearing that explored mandating refunds for red light camera ticket convenience fees.

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Deviation speed camera
Australia, France, UK: Speed Cameras Blinded
License plate camera involved in accident in England last week. Australian and French vigilantes spraypainted cameras.

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Border Patrol SUV
Vermont Supreme Court Rejects Traffic Stop For Driving While Nervous
Vermont Supreme Court says federal agents may not violate the state constitution when conducting traffic stop and searches.

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Spraypainted French speed camera
A Trio Of Ticketing Cameras Disabled In France, Germany
Vigilantes used paint, fire and pry bars to take out three automated ticketing machines last week.

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