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French speed camera with red paint
Speed Camera In Fatal New Zealand Accident, Cameras Attacked In Europe
A speed camera van was involved in a fatal New Zealand collision while vigilantes disabled cameras in England, France, Italy and Luxembourg last week.

By Richard Diamond/Staff Reports A speed camera van was involved in a fatal collision in Auckland, New Zealand, on August 30. At around 10am, the 72-year-old driver of a speed camera van parked behind a bridge on the side of Upper Harbour Highway in Greenhithe to set up automated ticketing operations. The camera failed to prevent the 58-year-old driver of a gray Subaru Forester from striking the van. The Subaru driver was killed by the impact, while the camera van's ...

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Waterbury Police
Federal Judge: Connecticut Cops May Not Handcuff Driver With Gun Permit
Presenting a legal gun permit during a traffic stop is not probable cause for a de facto arrest, a federal judge in Connecticut ruled last month.

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Spraypainted orange speed camera
France, Germany: Speed Camera Attacks Heat Up
Vigilantes continued to remove multiple speed cameras from operation in France and Germany last week.

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Orange County Toll Road
California Toll Road Agency Settles Class Action Lawsuit
Toll roads in Southern California settle $175 million lawsuit over privacy invasion and outrageous penalty fees.

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Sliced French speed camera
Dutch, French Speed Cameras Attacked
Another half-dozen speed cameras were destroyed or disabled in France last week. Officials in The Netherlands give up on replacing destroyed device.

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