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Michigan State Police
Michigan: Federal Judge Approves Traffic Stop Based On Inaccurate Database Info
Federal judge validates traffic stops based solely on insurance information in a database that may be two weeks out of date.

By Richard Diamond A database that might have as many as 730,000 faulty records is good enough for conducting a traffic stop in Michigan, a federal judge ruled last week. US District Judge Stephanie Dawkins Davis found that even if the state's motor vehicle database was only 90 percent, that is sufficient for the Michigan State Police to conduct a traffic stop over an expired insurance policy. On September 8, 2020, Anthony D. Stone left the Economy Motel in a blac ...

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Audi A5 hits speed camera
Illinois, Italy, France, Germany: Speed Cameras Slammed, Swiped
Vigilantes around the world last week took out a handful of speed cameras.

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Confiscated speed camera
Argentina: Court Sentences Mayor For Forging Speed Camera Tickets
Small city mayor in Cordoba, Argentina, convicted by jury of forging speed camera tickets.

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Martinique speed camera burns
France, Germany, Spain, UK: Speed Cameras Attacked
Several speed cameras were knocked out of service across Europe last week.

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Ohio Chief Justice
Ohio Supreme Court Takes Up Another Photo Ticketing Case
Ohio Supreme Court justices express skepticism at effort by Cleveland to avoid repaying illegally issued red light and speed camera tickets.

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