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California Judicial Council
Are Red Light Camera Tickets Now Optional In California?
A California court case reduced, or possibly eliminated, consequences for ignoring a mailed red light camera citation.

Payment of red light camera tickets is entirely optional in a number of states. A Tennessee lawmaker proved the point by burning his own automated citation on a live video while explaining the lack of consequences for nonpayment. In the Golden State, a handful of individual court systems, such as the Los Angeles County Superior Court, decided a decade ago not to prosecute non-payment. As collections dried up, the city of Los Angeles ...

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Foamed Austrian speed camera
Australia, Austria, France, Germany, Italy: Speed Cameras Thwarted
Opponents of automated ticketing sabotaged dozens of speed cameras across Australia and Europe last week.

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John OSullivan
Another Illinois Political Operative Indicted For Red Light Camera Bribery
Former Worth Township, Illinois supervisor indicted in federal probe of red light camera bribery.

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Leaning Italian speed camera
Italian Speed Cameras Foiled, German Operators Thrashed
Four speed cameras in Italy were sabotaged last week. Elderly German man beats speed camera operators who followed him home.

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Radar speed trap in Minnesota
OPINION: How To Set Speed Limits For Safety, Not Profit
Commentary on the most objective method for setting speed limits when safety, not revenue, is the priority. Part 4 of a series

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