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1902 race car
A History Of The First US Speed Traps
The ideas behind Vision Zero of low speed limits and heavy enforcement are nearly 120 years old.

Speed traps and artificially low speed limits are as old as the automobile itself. At the turn of the 20th century, automobiles variously powered by electricity, steam and gasoline were available only to the wealthy. As The New York Times explained in 1902, these high-flying 'automobilists' did themselves no favors: "When the automobile made its appearance in this country a few years ago it was received with a cordiality which was nothing short of remarkable. Whether on the city streets or th ...

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Torched island speed camera
France, Qatar: Photo Radar On Fire
Vigilantes in Qatar and in France last week destroyed several speed cameras.

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295 warning sign
Federal Judge Declines To Intervene In DC Speed Camera Lawsuit
Federal judge sends class action suit against photo radar speed trap back to a DC court.

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Beheaded speed camera
France, Germany: Speed Cameras Egged, Burned
A German vigilante egged a camera while several French speed cameras were burned or blinded last week.

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Justice Shane I. Perlmutter
Canadian Court Cracks Down On Amateur Ticket Fighters
Appeal in Manitoba, Canada, throws out law student who had success in helping motorists beat photo radar tickets.

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