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Toppled German speed camera
Canada, France, Germany: Speed Cameras Offline
Vigilantes in North America and Europe last week disabled nearly a dozen automated ticketing machines.

Vigilantes in Toronto, Canada, on July 26 set fire to the speed camera that had been issuing automated tickets at the intersection of Beverly Glen Boulevard and Stonebridge Boulevard. The speed camera installed on the A23 in Valenciennes, France, did not even last 24 hours before read more >> 

Sign on I295
DC Denies Wrongdoing In Freeway Speed Camera Trap
DC government asks judge to toss lawsuit against speed camera trap on Interstate 295, saying nothing it did was shocking or outrageous.

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Colorado Court Rejects Use Of Turn Signals In Roundabouts
Colorado becomes the third state where courts have rejected the requirement to signal a turn when driving through a roundabout.

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Rockville speed camera
Maryland, France, Germany, Italy: Photo Radar Thwarted
Vigilantes disabled a handful of speed cameras in the United States and Europe last week.

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Brown Honda
Federal Appeals Court Rejects Bogus Traffic Stop
Ninth Circuit US Court of Appeals rejects a a car search because the police came up with implausible excuses for the traffic stop.

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