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Her Majestys Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services
UK Government Report Undermines Speed Camera Rationale
UK government investigation concludes speed cameras fail to improve safety while local officials rely on them to generate revenue.

A UK government report openly questioned whether local authorities are using speed cameras as a cash cow. Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services (HMICFRS) last week released the results of a thorough investigation of the way roads were being policed in England and Wales. The goal was to identify areas where local and national strategies could be improved for the benefit of road safety. Road safety, however, is not the only motivation at work in the policing of th ...

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Audi crashes into speed camera
France, Italy: Speed Cameras Knocked Out
Italian speed camera fails to prevent an accident while vigilantes take out a handful of photo radar devices in France.

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241 toll road
Grand Jury Accuses California Toll Road Agency Of Mismanagement
Scathing Orange County grand jury report accuses California toll road agency of using motorists as a personal cash cow.

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Anti camera sign
Arizona Town Accused Of Illegal Red Light Camera Meeting
Complaint filed with the Arizona attorney general accuses Fountain Hills of working illegally behind the scenes to install red light cameras.

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Tipped Saudi speed camera
Speed Cameras Attacked In France, Italy, Saudi Arabia
A handful of speed cameras were disabled across France, Italy and Saudi Arabia last week.

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