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Timothy Young
New Mexico: Motorist Sues After Police Conduct Prostate Exam For Failure To Signal
New Mexico Court of Appeals reinstates lawsuit against doctor who followed police orders to invasively search innocent motorist over turn signal.

An innocent motorist may pursue his lawsuit against hospital personnel who, at the direction of police, conducted a "digital rectal examination" after he was pulled over for allegedly failing to signal a turn. The New Mexico Court of Appeals last week gave a partial green light to Timothy Young to go after the Gila Regional Medical Center (GRMC) doctor who conducted an invasive bodily search on behalf of the Hidalgo County Sheriff's Department. Deputy Javier Peru stopped Young in Lordsburg on ...

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Clearcut for speed camera
France: Chainsaw Massacre For A Speed Camera
French mayor upset after officials clearcut a forest to make way for a speed camera. Two other speed cameras were burned last week.

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FBI and IRS raid, photo from IRS
Sixth Felony Plea Entered In School Bus Camera Bribery Scandal
Lawyer enters guilty plea in Dallas, Texas school bus camera bribery scandal.

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Ambulance drivers in Italy
Belgium, France, Italy: Speed Cameras Disabled, Fairness Questioned
Fairness of Italian speed cameras questioned after ambulance driver fined during pandemic. Cameras attacked in Belgium and France.

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Judge Mary Eileen Kilbane
Ohio Appeals Court Upholds Photo Ticket For Violating Implicit Speed Limit
Appellate court rules that Toledo, Ohio speed cameras can issue tickets for violation of implicit speed limits.

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