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Ohio Supreme Court
Ohio Supreme Court Upholds Anti-Speed Camera Law
Unanimous Ohio Supreme Court ruling rebukes Toledo for resisting compliance with state law restricting speed cameras.

The Ohio Supreme Court on Wednesday ordered Toledo to abide by a state law forbidding the use of administrative hearings in speed camera cases. All seven justices agreed that motorist Susan D. Magsig was right to challenge the ticket she received in the mail from Toledo, which has been running improper hearings that deprive vehicle owners of their right to due process. Under the law, such hearings can only be held by a municipal court judge. "Toledo's argument runs counter to the plain langua ...

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Damaged German speed camera
France, Germany, Italy: Speed Cameras Bashed
Vigilantes last week took out a handful of European speed cameras.

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Marc Dann
Ohio Supreme Court Weighs Another Speed Camera Challenge
Speed camera company asks Ohio Supreme Court to block class action lawsuit against illegally issued photo tickets in Girard.

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Burned turret speed camera
France, Mexico, Spain: Speed Cameras Smashed, Scorched
Vigilantes in Mexico, Spain and France last week used took out a half-dozen speed cameras.

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TruSpeed S
Ohio Supreme Court Eliminates Need To Prove Laser Gun Accuracy
Laser and radar speed gun claims are admissible in Ohio courts without need for expert testimony or other proof of accuracy.

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