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Upside down license plate
New Jersey Court: Motorcycle License Plates Cannot Be Mounted Upside Down
New Jersey appellate court strikes down attempt by motorcyclist to be different by mounting his license plate upside down.

Because of space limitations, some motorcyclists will get creative when mounting the license plate to the back of their ride. Earlier this month the New Jersey Superior Court Appellate Division made clear that installing the plate upside down was in no way acceptable. A two-judge panel rejected the arguments that Scott DiRoma presented while arguing in his own defense against a $139 ticket. On June 22, 2018, DiRoma was riding on Mount Bethel Road in Warren Township when he passed through a s ...

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Tim Fitch
Largest Missouri County Considers Public Vote On Photo Ticketing Ban
St. Louis County, Missouri once again considers a ballot measure to outlaw the use of red light and speed cameras.

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Redflex losses
Redflex Continues Money-Losing Streak
Texas red light camera ban costs red light camera vendor Redflex millions.

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Speed camera protest sign
New York, Pennsylvania, France, Italy: Speed Cameras Protests, Destruction
Drunk-driving cop unintentionally destroys a speed camera in Pennsylvania while the devices are intentionally destroyed elsewhere in Europe.

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Elaine M. Howle
California Auditor Slams License Plate Readers
Audit slams California law enforcement for ignoring rules requiring privacy protection policies with the use of license plate cameras.

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