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Bradley Paul Smith
Belgium, France, UK: Indecent Speed Camera Operator Caught, Cameras Burned
UK police officer driving a speed camera van busted for child porn. Vigilantes in Belgium and France destroyed speed cameras last week.

Bradley Paul Smith, a 36-year-old speed camera van driver with the North Yorkshire, England, police entered a guilty plea on February 10 to possession of 3,626 indecent photos of children. He also pleaded guilty to voyeurism charges for secretly filming in a men's gym locker room. Police investigators noted that he ...

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Photo by Jeffrey Zeldman/Flickr
New Jersey Man Gets DUI While Asleep
New Jersey appellate court reiterates drunk driving charges have nothing to do with actually driving a car.

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Dr Craig H. Lichtblau
New Jersey Court: No Second Chance On Car Accident Settlement
Car accident victim who turned down big settlement cannot get a new trial when a jury returns a lower award, New Jersey appellate panel ruled.

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Extended equation
Engineering Board Issues Guidelines For Longer Yellow Times
ITE publishes new guidelines establishing longer yellow light duration for left turns.

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Dutch speed camera on fire
France, Italy, The Netherlands, UK: Destruction And Obstruction For Speed Cameras
Speed cameras across Europe last week are toppled and trashed.

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