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Robert F. Rennebaum
Red Light Camera Engineer Banned In North Carolina
North Carolina engineering board suspends the license of engineer over misconduct related to red light cameras.

An engineer affiliated with the red light camera industry last month was banned from working in the state of North Carolina. The North Carolina Board of Examiners for Engineers and Surveyors (NCBELS) suspended the license of Robert F. Rennebaum over the actions he took on behalf of American Traffic Solutions (ATS, now known as Verra Mobility). "You were notified the board had sufficient evidence which supports a charge of gross negligence, incompetence or misconduct," NCBELS executive directo ...

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Virginia General Assembly
Virginia: New Democratic Majority Pushes Speed Cameras
Leadership of the Virginia General Assembly endorses measures that would deploy speed cameras on highways and local streets.

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Wrapped speed camera
France: Speed Cameras Under Siege
Vigilantes destroyed or damaged about a dozen speed cameras in France last week.

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US Supreme Court Takes Up Motorist Shooting Case
High court to decide whether it is ok to shoot innocent motorists as long as they are not killed right away.

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Iowa Supreme Court
Iowa Supreme Court Rejects Speed Camera Transparency
Iowa Supreme Court declares speed camera tickets are not driving violations to avoid naming individuals immune from receiving photo citations.

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