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Petersburg police car
Virginia Supreme Court Blocks Search Over Speeding
Virginia Supreme Court finds it unlawful for a police officer to search a purse over an allegation of speeding.

Police officers have no business searching a woman's purse over an allegation of speeding, the Virginia Supreme Court ruled last week. The justices came to that conclusion after considering the case of Monica Cromartie, who sued Petersburg police officer Brian Billings over her treatment during a February 12, 2015, traffic stop. At four foot nine and one hundred pounds, with knee inju‏ries, Cromartie did not pose much of a threat to the officer who had stopped her. As he approached, howeve ...

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Jesse Young
Washington State Lawmaker Wants To Uphold Public Vote On Car Fees
Republicans in Washington state seek to pressure Democrats into reducing car registration fees by forcing vote to uphold a voter-passed initiative.

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Datamaster DMT
Michigan State Police Uncovers Breathalyzer Fraud
Technicians accused of falsifying documents that certified the accuracy of breathalyzer devices in Michigan.

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Toppled Italian speed camera
France: Vigilantes Winning War Against Speed Cameras
Next-generation speed cameras are being destroyed faster than they can be deployed in France.

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Chevy Impala
Federal Judge: Police Lie About Traffic Offense Cannot Be Reasonable
After officer claimed he saw an illegal lane change, judge looks at dashcam and sees good driving habits.

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