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Burned shell of a French speed camera
French Speed Camera Holiday Fires
French vigilantes set speed cameras on fire for Christmas, while an Italian speed camera caused a six-car freeway pileup.

On Saturday, vigilantes cut down the turret speed camera on the RN12 and set the device on fire using wooden pallets and tires to fuel the blaze. Around the same time, the turret speed camera on the RD200 near Nogent-sur-Oise read more >> 

Washington license plate
Washington State Ignores Ballot Initiative Lowering Registration Fees
Officials in Washington state work to block voter-passed initiative that would have lowered car registration fees.

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No more tolls logo
Florida Activists Want Voter Approval For Toll Roads
Proposed constitutional amendment in Florida would require voter approval of toll road projects in the state.

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Christmas Decorated Speed Camera
France, Italy: Anti-Speed Camera Vigilantes Strike
Vigilantes disabled speed cameras in France and Italy last week.

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Pennsylvania Turnpike
Groups Ask US Supreme Court To Weigh In On Toll Gouging
Trucking and motorist groups petition US Supreme Court to overturn decision allowing toll roads to charge unlimited amounts for transit projects.

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