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Dave Yost
Ohio Attorney General Wants Photo Ticket Hearings Shut Down
Ohio attorney general says state Supreme Court should shut down photo radar administrative hearings.

The guilt or innocence of Ohio motorists should be decided by judges, not police officers or other municipal appointees, state Attorney General Dave Yost told the Ohio Supreme Court last week. Yost submitted a written brief backing the high-court challenge motorist Susan D. Magsig is mounting against Toledo. Magsig realized that, instead of fighting a ticket in the lower courts, she could bring the case directly to the state Supreme Court because it directly impli ...

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Jair Bolsonaro
Judges In Brazil Resist Order To Shut Down Speed Cameras
President of Brazil fights to keep speed cameras off federal roads against judicial resistance.

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Stanislav Horacek
Czech Mayor Arrested In Speed Camera Scandal
Five people including mayor arrested in speed camera corruption scandal in Varnsdorf, Czech Republic.

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Rammed speed camera
Australia, France, Italy: Speed Cameras Sliced
Speed cameras across the world were burned, rammed and blown up last week.

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Fairfax County turn ban
Virginia Restricts Use Of Public Roads In Neighborhoods
Fairfax County, Virginia to ban drivers from turning onto free public roads based on residency.

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