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Blood draw
Pennsylvania Motorist Jailed For Refusing Blood Draw
Man finds that refusing a blood test authorized by warrant carries a worse penalties than a drunk driving charge.

A motorist suspected of driving under the influence of alcohol (DUI) could spend nearly two years in jail for refusing to allow police to take his blood. A three-judge appellate panel of the state Superior Court last week upheld the obstruction of justice sentence against Daniel M. Palchanes, who refused a blood draw even though the arresting officer had obtained a warrant. Palchanes had been driving on Main Street in Hellertown on March 3, 2018, when he passed through the speed trap operated ...

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East Liverpool Citizens Against Traffic Cameras
East Liverpool, Ohio Residents Vote Down Speed Cameras
Ohio Judge upholds ballot initiative in which 72 percent of East Liverpool voters rejected the use of speed and red light cameras.

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SunPass report cover
Florida: Government Audit Documents Toll Road Nightmare
Botched toll road system upgrade in Florida costs motorists hundreds of millions according to a state inspector general report.

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B516 speed camera, Germany
France, Germany, Italy: Speed Cameras Slammed
German and Italian speed cameras destroyed after failing to prevent accidents. Vigilantes destroyed 17,886 devices in France since 2018.

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Stephen Stubbs
Ninth Circuit Tosses Lawsuit Over Motorcyclist Harassment
Federal appeals court says lawyer cannot advise client who is pulled over for a traffic violation.

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