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Attorney General Schmitt
Missouri Attorney General Blasts City Over Taxation By Citation
Missouri attorney general charges the city of Marshfield with operating an illegal traffic ticket quota.

Traffic tickets are being used to raise revenue in Marshfield, Missouri, in violation of the law. That was the gist of a lawsuit filed Monday by state Attorney General Eric S. Schmitt accusing the speed trap town of 6600 residents of engaging in "taxation by citation" using an illegal traffic ticket quota. "The attorney general of Missouri has received credible information that the city of Marshfield, Missouri, and its chief of police, Doug Fannen, are flagrantly violating these prohibitions, ...

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CNIL logo
France: Privacy Regulator Slams Speed Camera Practices
Lax security and overcollection of personal information by speed cameras threaten privacy, according to government watchdog.

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NHTSA report cover
Accident Rate Continues To Drop On US Roads
Despite more vehicles on the road than ever before, the number of accidents in the US continues to drop.

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Toppled Swiss speed camera
France, Germany, Switzerland: Speed Cameras Sabotaged
Nearly a dozen speed cameras were burned or cut down across Europe last week.

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Hialeah police
Florida Cop Blows The Whistle On Ticket Quota
Former Hialeah, Florida police sergeant sues city after being fired for confirming the existence of a ticket quota in court testimony.

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