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Torched French speed camera
Australia, France, UK: Speed Cameras In Flames
As the November 17 anniversary of the Yellow Vest movement in France approaches, speed camera attacks are on the rise.

Vigilantes in France stepped up their campaign against automated ticketing machines last week in advance of the Yellow Vest protest movement's one-year anniversary. Several French departments reported photo radar units had been destroyed by fire. In the department of Sarthe, the freshly installed speed camera on the Boulevard General Patton in Le Mans was cut down ...

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Ohio Supreme Court
Ohio Supreme Court Approves Traffic Stops Based On Color
Ohio police can stop a black car if it is registered as a white vehicle under a state Supreme Court ruling.

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ITE Board of Direction
Yellow Times To Rise In 2020
The amount of yellow warning motorists receive when approaching intersection turn lanes will likely rise as engineering panel changes policy.

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Denton Police
Overtime Reform For Texas City Following Red Light Camera Windfall
Denton, Texas city audit calls for reform after 40 percent of police overtime requests were improperly approved.

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Victor Mobley
Georgia Supreme Court Upholds Motorist Black Box Data Privacy
Justices in Georgia rule that police must obtain a search warrant before downloading data from the black box of an automobile.

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