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Burned Saudi speed camera
Germany, France, Saudi Arabia, Spain, UK: Photo Radar Devices Burn
Spanish speed camera caught issuing bogus tickets as vigilantes take out devices in England, France, Germany and Saudi Arabia.

French officials have stepped up efforts to remove the remains of the speed cameras damaged by the Yellow Vest movement. In their place, several French departments last week vowed to install replacements, including pole-mounted "turret" cameras and new double-sided cameras used that issue automated citations to vehicles traveling in both directions on a road, boosting profits. The state also on Tuesday announced plans to eventually issue automated tickets to anyone driving with insurance that ha ...

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Cupcakes for Courage
Chicago Food Trucks Seek US Supreme Court Relief
US Supreme Court is asked to strike down ordinance requiring GPS surveillance of all food trucks in Chicago, Illinois.

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Illinois raid
Illinois Red Light Cameras Are A Billion-Dollar Enterprise
Illinois Policy Institute research found red light cameras have generated $1 billion in Illinois since 2008.

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Jarlstrom equation
Engineering Panel Backpedals On Yellow Times
Yellow time could increase for turning movements at intersections after engineer convinces national panel that drivers have been shortchanged.

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East Liverpool citizen poster
Ohio Court Allows Referendum On Speed Cameras
Court green lights vote on citizen initiative that would ban the use of speed cameras in East Liverpool, Ohio.

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