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East Liverpool 2019 ballot
Ohio Courts Could Block Public From Voting On Speed Cameras
Local judge to decide whether to intervene in election to protect speed cameras in East Liverpool, Ohio.

Ohio voters have spoken clearly in opposition to the use of speed cameras and red light cameras over the past decade. Out of eleven times in which the use of automated enforcement was a ballot issue in the state, cameras only won once. Columbiana County Common Pleas Judge Scott A. Washam could decide on Friday whether he will personally intervene in a local election to protect the speed cameras from the verdict of East Liverpool's residents. The city of over 10 ...

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Alexandria Police SUV
Alexandria, Virginia Caught Issuing Inaccurate Speeding Tickets
Refunds ordered for 2169 speeding ticket recipients in Alexandria, Virginia after employee faked police car speedo tests.

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Imprisoned convict
Red Light Camera and Speed Camera CrimeLine
Timeline of criminal indictments, trials and accusations surrounding the companies and individuals responsible for photo enforcement. Updated 9/21

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Iowa Supreme Court
Iowa Supreme Court Considers Speed Camera Secrecy
Iowa Supreme Court hears oral arguments in case involving public access to information in the speed camera ticket database.

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Speed camera set on fire in Motopoli, Italy
France, Italy: More Speed Cameras Offline
France steps up surveillance of speed cameras to prevent destruction, but the devices there and in Italy continue to be disabled.

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