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Wilmington City Council
North Carolina: Licensing Raised In Red Light Camera Debate
Wilmington, North Carolina renews deal with red light camera contractor that violated state engineering laws.

The Wilmington, North Carolina City Council last week signed a red light camera contract renewal despite protests that the state had found the for-profit camera contractor in direct violation of the law. American Traffic Solutions (ATS, now known as Verra Mobility) was found to be practicing engineering without a license by the North Carolina Board of Examiners for Engineers and Surveyors last year. The company has yet to remedy the violation, according to the cit ...

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Greg Landsman
Cincinnati, Ohio Officials Working To Overturn Voter Will On Speed Cameras
Cincinnati, Ohio politicians are using taxpayer resources to overturn the public vote banning red light and speed cameras.

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Matt Rushing
Texas Cop Caught Falsifying Speeding Tickets
Police officer in Dallas, Texas enters guilty plea to charge of writing bogus speeding tickets to earn federally funded overtime.

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Jair Bolsonaro
Brazil Reports Safety Improved Without Speed Cameras
Photo radar moratorium in Brazil did not lead to an increase in accidents, according to government statistics.

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Castetis speed camera painted
France, Germany, Mexico: Speed Cameras Thwarted
Speed camera tickets ignored in Jalisco, Mexico while cameras are blinded and burned in Germany and France.

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