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OKelley Bar
Arizona Appeals Court: Driving Safely Away From A Bar Not Suspicious
Arizona Court of Appeals rejects the idea that driving slowly away from a parking lot near a bar is suspicious.

An Arizona police officer cannot pull someone over under suspicion of drunk driving simply because he pulled out of a parking lot near where a bar is located. That was the ruling last week of the state Court of Appeals that found a Mesa police officer had no business stopping James William Flynn on December 7, 2017. Officer Clint Bertola was specifically looking to arrest people for driving under the influence (DUI) as part of the East Valley DUI task force. So he was waiting near the interse ...

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GSA Chevy Volt
Feds Ditching Electric Cars As Impractical
Federal agencies find electric cars not worth buying, despite executive order mandating alternative vehicle use.

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Robert Goforth
Kentucky Lawmakers Would Force Schools To Use Bus Cameras
Three Kentucky lawmakers would make school bus cameras mandatory for local school districts.

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German speed camera painted
Florida, France, Germany, Italy: Speed Cameras Sabotage Costs $400 Million
Speed camera sabotage costs France $400 million. Automated ticketing machines also destroyed in Florida, Germany and Italy last week.

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Dave Yost
Ohio AG Moves To Save Law That Defunds Speed Cameras
Ohio attorney general battles city of Dayton over the ability of the legislature to reduce funding to cities that raise money with speed cameras.

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