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FBI investigators
FBI On Exposing School Bus Camera Corruption
The official US government account of the school bus stop-arm camera scandal in Dallas, Texas.

By The Federal Bureau of Investigation Several years ago, the school transportation provider in Dallas added stop-arm cameras to their school buses to keep students safer and bring in revenue from traffic tickets. Taxpayers ended up paying millions of dollars for the cameras -- but they brought in little revenue. The school transportation provider continued to buy the cameras because the camera company lined the pockets of multiple public officials. And as a result of an FBI and Interna ...

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Traffic monitoring cameras
Louisiana Court Case Reveals Extensive Driver Tracking System
Louisiana trooper looks up the history of motorist movements to catch random suspect in a lie about his travels that day.

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Lord Carloway
Scottish Court Upholds Photo Ticket Signed By Resigned Cop
High court in Scotland upholds speed camera ticket issued under the signature of a police chief who had left the force 80 days prior.

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Blinded French turret camera
France, Italy: Speed Cameras Shot, Blinded, Burned
Multiple speed cameras were shot, blinded or burned last week in France and Italy.

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Redflex losses
Redflex Ends Another Year Without Profit
Redflex Traffic Systems continued its six-year losing streak in fiscal 2019.

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