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Sacramento County board of supervisors
Sacramento, California Reveals Red Light Camera Chaos
Sacramento County, California, revealed red light cameras have been off for eight months while trying to rekindle ticketing deal with Redflex.

Officials in Sacramento County, California, did their best to conceal the red light camera program's failure from the public. The automated ticketing machines went dark in January and have not issued a citation since. News of what happened was kept under wraps until a notice for a board of supervisors meeting on Tuesday revealed a quiet plan to restart the program with the scandal-plagued Australian camera operator Redflex Traffic Systems following the firing of t ...

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IG office logo
Maryland: Government Watchdog Warns Of School Bus Camera Impropriety
Inspector general raises red flags regarding the school bus camera program in Montgomery County, Maryland.

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Seventh Circuit courtroom
Federal Appeals Court Upholds Limited Due Process For Photo Tickets
Seventh Circuit US Court of Appeals once again rescues red light cameras from legal challenge over due process rights.

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South African speed camera bombed
France, South Africa: Speed Cameras Rubbed Out
Multiple speed cameras in France and South Africa were removed from service last week.

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LaMarque, Texas
History: Photo Radar Cities In The 1980s
A look back at the early photo radar programs in the late 1980s in Texas and California.

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