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DC phone parking
DC Renews Push For Downtown Congestion Tax
Inspired by New York City, Washington, DC now wants to tax commuters who drive into the city with a congestion charge.

The District of Columbia is moving to finally implement the tax on commuters it has sought for decades. The city's recently adopted 2020 budget provided $500,000 for a study of congestion pricing due on July 1, 2020. City officials, bolstered by efforts to impose a toll on city streets in New York City, are hoping to raise millions with the new charge. As adopted by the city council, the study is to provide "an analysis of the potential to raise revenue" by putting up toll booths on the bridg ...

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Frank Timek
New Jersey: Whistleblower Cop Wins Bigger Payout
Atlantic City, New Jersey cop who crossed the thin blue line over DUI coverup is entitled to more compensation, a court ruled.

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New Richmond, Ohio
Ohio: Federal Lawsuit Takes On Unauthorized Speed Cameras
Federal lawsuit seeks refunds from New Richmond after it set up speed cameras in defiance of Ohio Department of Transportation.

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French speed camera torched
France: Speed Camera Burnings Impact GDP
Dozens of speed cameras were set on fire last week in France.

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Judge Robert J. Humphreys
Virginia Court: Driver Lying To Cop Is Not Obstruction
Court of Appeals in Virginia clears father who lied to cops about a car accident to protect his son.

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