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Speed limit sign
Michigan Appeals Court Rejects Illegally Lowered Speed Limit
Appellate court tosses traffic stop based on bogus speed limit in Sarnac, Michigan.

The Michigan Court of Appeals on Tuesday threw out the result of a traffic stop based on an illegal speed limit. The village of Sarnac created the situation by enforcing a 25 MPH speed limit on a road that had no speed limit signs posted. Under state law, roads without such signs are subject to a default 55 MPH limit, not 25 MPH as the village asserted. A 25 MPH limit would have been legal -- but not without appropriate notice. "The village of Saranac could adopt traffic regulations that the ...

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Suffolk County traffic agency
New York: Lawsuit Filed Over Red Light Camera Debt Trap
Low-income motorists say Suffolk County, New York red light camera registration suspensions punish them for being poor.

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Terry McAuliffe
Federal Appeals Court Rejects Fraud Suit Against Green Car Company
Chinese investors lose bid to recover millions poured into failed electric car company after Fourth Circuit US Court of Appeals ruling.

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Felled French speed camera
France, Italy, UK: Unbeatable Speed Cameras Beaten
French speed camera meant to resist attacks are easily destroyed. Other photo radar were devices taken out in England and Italy last week.

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11th Circuit
Federal Appeals Court Rescues Red Light Camera Lawsuit
Eleventh Circuit US Court of Appeals revives challenge to Alabama red light cameras under state law while rejecting federal claims.

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