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Canadian 'Disco' Radar Cam Under Scrutiny
Canadian judge acquits man of speeding after photo radar camera declared to have a "disco" problem.

Disco ball
A court has acquitted a Winnipeg, Canada man after the government failed to prove their photo radar system was functioning properly. Brian Segal argued that the camera was "going just like a strobe light in a disco." Absent evidence the device was maintained properly, the judge found Segal not guilty. The Crown is appealing the judge's decision on January 28.

Article Excerpt:
A technician subpoenaed by the Crown was later unable to provide any kind of service record for the camera in question, Segal said, adding he was later able to get another technician to admit the cameras sometimes malfunctioned by citing a Winnipeg Sun article.
Source: Driver challenges 'disco' photo radar ticket (Winnipeg Sun (Canada), 1/15/2005)

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