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Handheld Radar Test Shows Many Errors
A Stalker Pro handheld radar gun shows how error prone speed detection technology can be.

Stalker pro radar
A Stalker Pro handheld radar gun tested by the British magazine "The People" caught a multitude of errors that cast doubt on similar radar technologies used in speed cameras.

The test found a tree traveling at 18 MPH, a dog walking at 16 MPH, a wheelchair with a top speed of 4 MPH driving at 20 MPH, a baby stroller doing 23 MPH and a stationary bus clocked in at 29 MPH.

People conducted the test with expert Stephen Fenton who explained, "All radar guns are basically the same" because they operate on the same principles.

Article Excerpt:
"They pump out a radar beam and measure the beam coming back. The problem is the beam can get confused and pick up things fluttering in the distance like a bird or piece of litter."It all depends on the individual who"s pointing it and their interpretation of the results. I"ve pointed it at a Hoover before and it clocked a speed of 120 miles an hour."
Source: PEOPLE INVESTIGATION: 18mph TREE NICKED (The People (UK), 2/20/2005)

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